When considering TDEM measurements, it is not enough to consider the power of the applied transmitting moment. It is important to consider at the same time, the signal to noise ratio, and moreover, the signal to bias ratio. These ratios can be measured by high altitude flights, in the absence of earth response.
The signal to noise ratio: a larger stack will increase the signal to noise ratio, provided the noise is effectively random. The larger stack you need, the slower you must fly. Increasing the transmitting moment increases the signal to noise ratio too.
The signal to bias ratio: as the bias is coherent with the transmitting moment, increasing the stack and/or the current does not increase the signal to bias ratio. But by increasing the loop size, the signal to bias increases.
NOVATEM has been designed in order to optimize these ratios. The signal to bias ratio has been diminished to a neglect able magnitude by the use of specially designed electronics and choices. One of the most important is the ultra-rigid configuration which minimizes the movements between the transmitter and the receivers.